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Rideshare Injuries – Accidents Involving Uber, Lyft, Or Other Ridesharing Services

Dealing with insurance can be a real headache following a car accident. Forcing insurance companies to pay what is owed to accident victims is a serious undertaking. When it comes to accidents involving rideshare companies, there is an additional layer of complication. Making sure that the person or people liable for your injuries pay up is not as easy as it should be. In some cases, lawsuits are required to get Uber, Lyft, or other ridesharing services to fulfill their obligations.

The issue largely arises because of the way these services classify their drivers. Unlike taxi companies, which are the actual owners of the vehicles in their service, ridesharing companies rely on drivers using their own vehicles. What that means is an Uber driver is sometimes doing commercial business for Uber, but other times is doing personal business with that same vehicle. Access to insurance can depend on showing that the driver in question was on the clock when the accident occurred.

When it comes to rideshare accidents, you’ll want to know whether the driver was using the Uber or Lyft application at the time of the crash. You’ll want to know whether the driver was carrying paying customers. Texas law classifies rideshare drivers as independent contractors, meaning they are not employees of the ridesharing companies. That can prevent you from accessing the ridesharing company’s insurance in the event of an accident.

Talk To An Attorney After A Ridesharing Accident

Whether or not you can access the ridesharing company’s insurance policy can make an enormous difference in the outcome of your case. Uber and Lyft carry insurance policies larger than the average driver. That coverage could be the difference between collecting enough to maximize your recovery or having to settle for a lesser amount.

An experienced personal injury attorney can help you get the full compensation you are owed. If you’ve been in an accident involving a ridesharing vehicle, contact our attorneys at The Law Office of Abrar & Vergara. We can protect your rights and help you maximize your recovery. Call us today at 915-845-9621 to schedule a consultation.